Shadow Banning Does(n’t) Exist

Shadow Banning Doesn’t Exist


Recent posts from #mushroom are currently hidden because the community has reported some content that may not meet Instagram’s community guidelines.


Dear Instagram, get your mind outta the gutter! Mushrooms are probably one of the most searched hashtags in my Instagram history. It all started when I found my first batch of wild chicken-of-the-woods mushrooms. I wanted to learn more about mushroom foraging, so I consulted Instagram. I knew there were tons of foragers sharing photos, videos, and tips about finding different species. But imagine not being able to find content related to your hobby?

What if you loved eggplant varieties? But nothing came up in the search bar? Perhaps you’re an heirloom eggplant farmer trying to sell your product on social media? Yet you’ve only gotten two likes—even though you added #eggplantman to your post. Shadow banned? I think yes.

The deep void of shadow banning is a social media user’s worst nightmare. Especially for influencers whose career depends on engagement. Shadow banning comes with so many uncertainties, but there are a few factors many users agree on:

      1. Certain posts and videos remain hidden from other users
      2. It hurts user engagement
      3. It DOES exist


Shadow banning is an act of restricting or censoring a user’s content on social media without notifying the user. This usually occurs when a user posts content deemed inappropriate or it violates the platform’s guidelines. If a user is shadow banned, the user’s content is only visible to the user and their followers.

Influencers, artists, creators, and business owners are vulnerable victims to the shadow banning void. They depend the most on user engagement, growth, and reaching new audiences. As much as it hurts them, it also hurts other users searching for this specific content. There’s no clear way of telling whether you’ve been shadow banned. You don’t get a notice. You can’t make an appeal to fix your lack of engagement. However, you will see a decline in engagement because no one can see your content in their feeds.

According to the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, “shadow banning is not a thing.” In an interview with the Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, he stated Facebook has “no policy that is shadow banning.” Even a Twitter blog stated, “People are asking us if we shadow ban. We do not.” There is no official way of knowing if it exists, but there is evidence it does take place on various social media platforms.


Pole dancing on social media probably would have been deemed inappropriate 20 years ago. But this isn’t the case today. Pole dancing is a growing sport industry. Stigmas associating strippers with pole dancing is shifting with its increasing popularity and trendy nature. However, social media standards may still be stuck in the early 2000s.

In 2019, user posts with hashtags including #poledancing, #polesportorg, and #poledancenation were hidden from Instagram’s Explore page. This affected many users who connect and share new pole dancing techniques with each other. It also had a huge impact on businesses who rely on the pole community to promote their products and services: pole equipment, pole clothing, pole studios, pole sports competitions, pole photographers, and more.

Due to a drastic decrease in user engagement, a petition directing Instagram to stop pole dancing censorship was circulated worldwide. Is pole dancing so controversial it can’t be shared on social media? I think not. There is so much to learn from sharing information virtually, and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act supports this.

Section 230 was passed in 1996, and it provides limited federal immunity to websites from lawsuits if a user posts something illegal. This means that if User X decides to post illegal content on Twitter, the Twitter platform could not be sued because of User X’s post. Section 230 does not stop the user who posted such content from being sued, so User X can still be held accountable.

It is clear that Section 230 embraces the importance of sharing knowledge. Section 230(a)(1) tells us this. So why would Instagram want to shadow ban pole dancers who are simply sharing new tricks and techniques?

The short answer is: It’s inappropriate.

But users want to know: what makes it inappropriate?

Is it the pole? A metal pole itself does not seem so.

Is it the person on the pole? Would visibility change depending on gender?

Is it the tight clothing? Well, I don’t see how it is any different from my 17  bikini photos on my personal profile.

Section 230 also provides a carve-out for sex-related work, such as sex trafficking. But this is where the line is drawn between appropriate and inappropriate content. Sex trafficking is illegal, but pole dancing is not. Instagram’s community guidelines also support this. Under the guidelines, sharing pole dancing content would not violate it. Shadow banning clearly seeks to suppress certain content, and in this case, the pole dancing community was a target.

Cultural expression also battles with shadow banning. In 2020, Instagram shadow banned Caribbean Carnival content. The Caribbean Carnival is an elaborate celebration to commemorate slavery abolition in the West Indies and showcases ensembles representing different cultures and countries.

User posts with hashtags including #stluciacarnival, #fuzionmas, and #trinidadcarnival2020 could not be found nor viewed by other users. Some people viewed this as suppressing culture and impacting tourism. Additionally, Facebook and Instagram shadow banned #sikh for almost three months. Due to numerous user feedback, the hashtag was restored, but Instagram failed to state how or why the hashtag was blocked.

In March 2020, The Intercept obtained internal TikTok documents alluding to shadow banning methods. Documents revealed moderators were to suppress content depicting users with “‘abnormal body shape,’ ‘ugly facial looks,’ dwarfism, and ‘obvious beer belly,’ ‘too many wrinkles,’ ‘eye disorders[.]'” While this is a short excerpt of the longer list, this shows how shadow banning may not be a coincidence at all.

Does shadow banning exist? What are the pros and cons of shadow banning?




Corporate Use of Social Media: A Fine Line Between What Could-, Would-, and Should-be Posted



In recent years, social media has taken a hold on nearly every aspect of human interaction and turned the way we communicate on its head. Social media apps’ high speed capability of disseminating information instantaneously have affected the way many sectors of business operate. From entertainment, social, environmental, educational, or financial, social media has bewildered the legal departments of many in house general counsels across all industries. Additionally, the generational shaft between the person actually posting for the account versus their supervisor has only exacerbated the potential for communications to miss their mark and cause controversy or adverse effects.

These days, most companies have social media accounts, but not all accounts are created equal, and they certainly are not all monitored the same. In most cases, these accounts are not regulated at all except by their own internal managers and #CancelCulture. Depending on the product or company, social media managers have done their best to stay abreast of changes in popular hashtags, trends and challenges, and the overall shift from a corporate tone of voice to one of relatability–more Gen-Z-esque, if you will. But with this shift, the rights and implications of corporate speech through social media has been put to the test.

Changes in Corporate Speech on Social Media 

In the last 20 years, corporate use of social media has become a battle of relevance. With the decline of print media, social media, and its apps, have emerged as a marketing necessity. Early social media use was predominantly geared towards social purposes. If we look at the origins of Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter it is clear that these apps were intended for superficial uses—not corporate communications—but this all changed with the introduction of LinkedIn, which sparked a dynamic shift towards business and professional use of social media.

Today social media is used to report on almost every aspect of our lives, from disaster preparation and emergency responses to political updates, to dating and relationship finders, and customer service based tasks, social media truly covers all. It is also more common now days to get backlash for not speaking out or using social media after a major social or political movement occurs. Social media is also increasingly being used for research with geolocation technology, for organizing demonstrations and political unrest, and in the business context, for development in sales, marketing, networking, and hiring or recruiting practices.

These changes are starting to lead to significant conversations in the business world when it comes to company speech, regulated disclosures and First Amendment rights. For example, so far, there is minimal research on how financial firms disseminate communications to investor news outlets via social media and in which format they are being responded to. And while some may view social media as an opportunity to further this kind of investor outreach, others have expressed concerns that disseminating communications in this manner could result in a company’s loss of control over such communications entirely.

The viral nature of social media allows not just investors to connect more easily with companies but also with individuals who may not directly follow that company and would therefore be a lot less likely to be informed about a company’s prior financial communications and the importance of any changes. This creates risk for a company’s investor communications via social media because of the potential to spread and possibly reach uniformed individuals which could in turn produce adverse consequences for the company when it comes to concerns about reliance and misleading information.

Corporate Use, Regulations, and Topics of Interest on Social Media 

With the rise of social media coverage on various societal issues, these apps have become a platform for news coverage, political movements, and social concerns and, for some generations, a platform that replaces traditional news media almost entirely. Specifically, when it comes to the growing interest in ESG related matters and sustainable business practices, social media poses as a great tool for information communication. For example, the Spanish company Acciona has recently been reported by the latest Epsilon Icarus Analytics Panel on ESG Sustainability, as having Spain’s highest resonating ESG content of all their social networks. Acciona demonstrates the potential leadership capabilities for a company to fundamentally impact and effectuate digital communications on ESG related topics. This developing content strategy focuses on brand values, and specifically, for Acciona, strong climate-change based values, female leadership, diversity, and other cultural, societal changes which demonstrates this new age of social media as a business marketing necessity.

Consequentially, this shift in usage of social media and the way we treat corporate speech on these platforms has left room for emerging regulation. Commercial or corporate speech is generally permissible under Constitutional Free Speech rights, so long as the corporation is not making false or misleading statements. Section 230 provides broad protection to internet content providers from accountability based on information disseminated on their platform. In most contexts, social media platforms will not be held accountable for the consequences resulting therefrom (i.e. a bad user’s speech). For example, a recent lawsuit was dismissed in favor of the defendant, TikTok, and its parent company, after a young girl died from participation in a trending challenge that went awry because under § 230 the platform was immune from liability.

In essence, when it comes to ESG-related topics, the way a company handles its social media and the actual posts they put out can greatly affect the company’s success and reputation as often ESG focused perspectives affect many aspects of the operation of the business. The type of communication, and coverage on various issues, can impact a company’s performance in the short term and long term hemispheres–the capability of which can effectuate change in corporate environmental practices, governance, labor and employment standards, human resource management and more.

With ESG trending, investors, shareholders, and regulators now face serious risk management concerns. Companies must now, more publicly, address news concerning their social responsibilities, on a much more frequent basis as ESG concerns continue to rise. Public company activities, through Consumer Service Reports, are mandated in annual 10-K filings and disclosures by the SEC, along with ESG disclosures thanks to a recent rule promulgation. These disclosures are designed to hold accountable and improve environmental, social, and economic performance when it comes to their respective stakeholders’ expectations.


In conclusion, social media platforms have created an entirely new mechanism for corporate speech to be implicated. Companies should proceed cautiously when covering social, political, environmental, and related concerns and their methods of information dissemination as well as the possible effects their posts may have on business performance and reputation overall.

Is Social Media Really Worth It?


Human beings are naturally social. We interact with one another every single day in many different ways. Current day, one of the most common ways we interact with one another is on social media.  Each year that goes by the number of individuals using social media increases. The number of social media users worldwide in 2019 was 3.484 billion, up 9% from 2018. The numbers increased dramatically during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, the number of social media users jumped to 4.5 billion and it increases everyday.

Along with the increasing number of social media users, the number of individuals suffering from mental health issues is also increasing. Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which people understand their abilities, solve everyday life problems, work well, and make a significant contribution to the lives of their communities. Its very interesting to think about how and why social media can effect an individuals mental state so greatly. The Displaced Behavior Theory may help explain why social media shows a connection with mental health. According to the theory, people who spend more time in sedentary behaviors such as social media use have less time for face-to-face social interaction, both of which have been proven to be protective against mental disorders . For example, the more time an individual spends using social media, the less time this individual spends on their own social relationships off screen.

Believe it or not, many studies have linked the use of Facebook in young adults to increased levels of anxiety, stress and depression.  I know based on my own personal experiences that life changed greatly when Facebook was introduced to my generation in Middle School. We went from going for walks around town, movie dates and phone calls to sitting in front of a computer screen for hours straight trying to figure out who posted the best profile picture that night or who received the most likes and comments on a post.  Based on my own experiences, I believe this is when cyberbullying became a huge issue.  Individuals, especially young teens, take into account everyone’s opinion’s and comments on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. This why mental health is associated with the use of social media. Social media can create a lot of pressure to create the stereotype that others want to see, its almost like a popularity contest.

It makes me wonder how far is too far? When will Social Media platforms truly censor cyberbullying and put a stop to the rise of mental health issues associated with using these sites. Studies have proven that these platforms cause extreme mental health problems in individuals. The individuals who are mostly affected by this range from 12-17 years of age.  I believe that if we regulate the age groups allowed to join these sights it may be helpful to stop the detrimental affects these sights have on teenagers.  It boggles my mind to think many teenagers would still be alive if they did not download a social media platform or they would not suffer from mental health issues. We really have to think as parents, friends and family members if downloading social media platforms is really worth it.

Can you think of any solutions to this growing problem? At what age would you let your child use social media?


A Uniquely Bipartisan Push to Amend/Repeal CDA 230

Last month, I wrote a blog post about the history and importance of the Communications Decency Act, section 230 (CDA 230). I ended that blog post by acknowledging the recent push to amend or repeal section 230 of the CDA. In this blog post, I delve deeper into the politics behind the push to amend or repeal this legislation.


If you are unfamiliar with CDA 230, it is the sole legislation that governs the internet world. Also known as “the 26 words that shaped the internet” Congress specifically articulated in the act that the internet is able to flourish, due to a “minimum of government regulation.” This language has resulted in an un-regulated internet, ultimately leading to problems concerning misinformation.

Additionally, CDA 230(c)(2) limits civil liability for posts that social media companies publish. This has caused problems because social media companies lack motivation to filter and censor posts that contain misinformation.

“No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider” (47 U.S.C. § 230).

Section 230’s liability shade has been extended far beyond Congress’s original intent, which was to protect social media companies against defamation claims. The features of this legislation have resulted in a growing call to update section 230.

In this day and age, an idea or movement rarely gains bi-partisan support anymore. Interestingly, though, amending, or repealing section 230 has gained recent bipartisan support. As expected, however, each party has differing reasons as to why the law should be changed.


Although the two political parties are in agreement that the legislation should be amended, their reasoning behind it stems from differing places. Republicans tend to criticize CDA 230 for allowing social media companies to selectively censor conservative actors and posts. In contrast, democrats criticize the law for allowing social media companies to disseminate false, and deceptive information.


On the democratic side of the aisle, President Joe Biden has repeatedly called for Congress to repeal the law. In an interview with The New York Times, President Biden was asked about his personal view regarding CDA 230, in which he replied…

“it should be revoked. It should be revoked because it is not merely an internet company. It is propagating falsehoods they know to be false, and we should be setting standards not unlike the Europeans are doing relative to privacy. You guys still have editors. I’m sitting with them. Not a joke. There is no editorial impact at all on Facebook. None. None whatsoever. It’s irresponsible. It’s totally irresponsible.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also voiced opposition, calling CDA 230 “a gift” to the tech industry that could be taken away.

The law has often been credited by the left for fueling misinformation campaigns, like Trumps voter fraud theory, and false COVID information. In response, social media platforms began marking certain posts as unreliable.  This led to the reasoning behind republicans opposition to section 230.


Former President Trump has voiced his opposition to CDA 230 numerous times. He first started calling for the repeal of the legislation in May of 2020, after Twitter flagged two of his tweets regarding mail-in voting, with a warning label that stated “Get the facts about mail-in ballots.” In fact, in December, Donald Trump, the current President at the time, threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act annual defense funding bill, if CDA 230 was not revoked. The former presidents opposition was so strong, he issued an Executive Order in May of last year urging the government to re-visit CDA 230. Within the order, the former president wrote…

“Section 230 was not intended to allow a handful of companies to grow into titans controlling vital avenues for our national discourse under the guise of promoting open forums for debate, and then to provide those behemoths blanket immunity when they use their power to censor …”

The executive order also asked the Federal Communications Commission to write regulations that would remove protections for companies that “censored” speech online. Although the order didn’t technically affect CDA 230, and was later revoked by President Biden, it resulted in increased attention on this archaic legislation.


Support for the law has not completely vanished, however. As expected, many social media giants support leaving CDA 230 untouched. The Internet Association, an industry group representing some of the largest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, recently announced that the “best of the internet would disappear” without section 230, warning that it would lead to numerous companies being subject to an array of lawsuits.

In a Senate Judiciary hearing in October 2020, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey warned that revoking Section 230 could…

“collapse how we communicate on the Internet.”

However, Mark Zuckerberg took a more moderate position as the hearing continued, telling Congress that he thought lawmakers should update the law.

Facebook has taken a more moderate approach by acknowledging that 230 should be updated. This approach is likely in response to public pressure due to increased awareness. Irregardless, it signifies a likely chance that section 23o will be updated in the future, since Facebook represents one of the largest social media companies protected by 230. A complete repeal of this law would create such major impacts, however, that this scenerio seems unlikely to happen. Nevertheless, growing calls for change, and a Democratic controlled Congress points to a likelihood of future revision of the section.


Although both sides of Washington, and even some social media companies, agree the law should be amended; the two sides differ greatly on how to change the law.

As mentioned before, President Biden has voiced his support for repealing CDA 230 altogether. Alternatively, senior members of his party, like Nancy Pelosi have suggested simply revising or updating the section.

Republican Josh Hawley recently introduced legislation to amend section 230. The proposed legislation would require companies to prove a “duty of good faith,” when moderating their sites, in order to receive section 230 immunity. The legislation included a $5,000 fee for companies that don’t comply with the legislation.

Adding to the confusion of the section 230 debate, many fear the possible implications of repealing or amending the law.


Because CDA 230 has been referred to as “the first amendment of the internet,” many people fear that repealing this section altogether would result in a limitation on free speech online. Although President Biden has voiced his support for this approach, it seems unlikely to happen, as it would result in massive implications.

One major implication of repealing or amending CDA 230 is that it could allow for numerous lawsuits against social media companies. Not only would major social media companies be affected by this, but even smaller companies like Slice, could become the subject of defamation litigation by allowing reviews to be posted on their website. This could lead to an existence of less social media platforms, as some would not be able to afford legal fees. Many fear that these companies would further censor online posts for fear of being sued. This may also result in higher costs for these platforms. In contrast, companies could react by allowing everything, and anything to be posted, which could result in an unwelcome online environment. This would be in stark contrast to the Congress’s original intent in the creation of the CDA, to protect children from seeing indecent posts on the internet.



Because of the intricacy of the internet, and the archaic nature of CDA 230, there are many differing opinions as to how to successfully fix the problems the section creates. There are also many fears about the consequences of getting rid of the legislation. Are there any revisions you can think of that could successfully deal with the republicans main concern, censorship? Can you think of any solutions for dealing with the democrats concern of limiting the spread of misinformation. Do you think there is any chance that section 230 will be repealed altogether? If the legislation were to be repealed, would new legislation need to be created to replace CDA 230?


Should Social Media Be Used as a Sentencing Tool?

Mass Incarceration in the US – A Costly Issue

The United States has a costly over-incarceration issue. As of May 2021, the United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world with 639 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population. New York State alone has more prisoners than the entire country of Canada. In 2016, the US Government spent over $88 billion on prisons, jails, parole, and probation systems. Not to mention the social cost of incarcerating nearly 1% of our entire adult population. Alternative sentences can provide a substitute for costly incarceration.

incarceration statistics

What Are Alternative Sentences?

Typically, punishment for a crime is imprisonment. Alternative sentences are sentences other than imprisonment, such as:

  • community service,
  • drug rehabilitation programs,
  • probation, and
  • mental health programs.

While many generalizations about alternative sentences cannot be made, as the results vary by program and location, alternative sentences can and do keep people out of the overcrowded, problematic prison system in the US.

Could Social Media Play a Part in Alternative Sentencing?

In June 2021, a tourist in Hawaii posted a video of herself on TikTok touching a monk seal. The video went viral, and copycats hopped on the trend of poking wildlife for views. Hawaiian people, outraged, called for enforcement action and local media outlets echoed their call. Eventually, the Hawaii Governor released a statement that people who messed with local wildlife would be “prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

monk seal

There are essentially three avenues of prosecution for interfering with wildlife: in federal court, state court, or civil court through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Disturbing wildlife is a misdemeanor under federal law, but it’s a felony under state law, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. However, enforcement is unlikely, even after the Governor’s proclamation. Additionally, when enforcement does take place, it often happens out of the public eye. This imbalance of highly publicized crime and underpublicized enforcement led to a suggestion by Kauai Prosecuting Attorney Justin Kollar.

Kollar suggested sentencing criminals like the Hawaiian tourist to community service that would be posted on social media. Kollar looked to Hawaii’s environmental court as a potential model. Established in 2014 for the purpose of adjudicating environmental and natural resource violations, the environmental court has more sentencing tools at its disposal. For example, the court can sentence people to work with groups that do habitat restoration.

According to Kollar, requiring criminal tourists to take time out from their vacation to work with an environmental group — and possibly publicizing the consequence on social media — would not only be a more productive and just penalty, it would also create a positive and contrite image to spread across the internet. The violators would have an opportunity to become more educated and understand the harm they caused. Kollar wants people to learn from their mistakes, address the harm they caused, and take responsibility for their actions.

In an age when many crimes are visible on social media, what would be the pros and cons of using social media as a sentencing tool?

Some Pros and Cons of Using Social Media as a Sentencing Tool

In law school, we’re taught the theories of punishment, but not the consequences of punishment. While it’s important to think about the motivation for punishment, it’s equally, if not more, important to think about what happens because of punishment. In the case of using social media as a sentencing tool, there would likely be pros and cons.

One pro of using social media to publicize enforcement would be a rebalancing of the scale of crime v. enforcement publicity. This rebalance could help prevent vigilante justice from occurring when there is too big of a perceived gap between crime and enforcement. For example, when the TikToker posted her crime, she began to receive death threats. Many Hawaiians are fed up with their environment being exploited for financial profits. The non-enforcement and bold display of a wildlife crime led them to want to take matters into their own hands. In a situation like this, society does not benefit, the criminal does not learn from or take responsibility for their actions, and the victim is not helped.

An alternative sentence of wildlife-related community service publicized on social media could have benefited society because there is justice being done in a publicly known way that does not contribute to costly mass incarceration; helped the criminal learn from and take responsibility for their actions without being incarcerated; and, helped the victim, the environment, via the actual work done.

Additionally, this type of sentence falls into the category of restorative justice. Restorative Justice (RJ) is “a system of criminal justice which focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large.” The social media addition to an alternative sentence could provide the reconciliation with the “community at large” piece of the RJ puzzle. This would be a large pro, as RJ has been shown to lower recidivism rates and help victims.

While these pros are appealing, it is important to keep in mind that social media is a powerful tool that can facilitate far-reaching and lasting stigmatization of people. Before the age of social media and Google, a person’s criminal record could only be found in state-sponsored documents or small write-ups in a newspaper. As social scientists Sarah Lageson and Shadd Maruna put it, “although these records were “public,” they often remained in practical obscurity due to access limitations.” Today, any discretion, or presumed and unproven discretion in the case of online mug shots and police use of social media, can be readily found with a quick search. This can increase recidivism rates and make it harder for people with a criminal record to build relationships, find housing, and gain employment. The consequences of a readily available criminal record result in punishments not fitting to many crimes, as stigmatization is a part of punishment. Using social media as a sentencing tool could make the stigmatization situation worse, a huge con.

Perhaps there is a middle ground. To protect people from long-term stigmatization, faces and other identifying features could be blurred prior to publication. Similarly, identifying information, like names, could be excluded from the posts. By keeping the perpetrators anonymous, the scale of crime v. enforcement publicity could be rebalanced, the community aspect of RJ could be accomplished, and harmful stigmatization could be avoided. To completely avoid the possibility of stigmatization via social media postings, the program coordinators could post adjacent content. For example, they could post a before and after of the service project, completely leaving out the violators, while still publicizing enforcement.

Any iteration of the idea to use social media as a sentencing tool should be studied intensely regarding its consequences related to society, the criminal, and the victim, as it is a new idea.


Do you think social media should be used as a sentencing tool?

Alarming Side of Youtube

Social media has now become an integrated part of an individual’s life. From Facebook to twitter, Instagram, snapchat to the latest edition, that is TikTok, social media has made its way into a person’s life and occupies the same value as that of eating, sleeping, exercising etc. There is no denying the dopamine hit you get from posting on Instagram or scrolling endlessly, liking, sharing, commenting and re-sharing etc. From checking your notifications and convincing yourself, “Right, just five minutes, I am going to check my notifications” to spending hours on social media, it is a mixed bag. While I find that being in social media is to an extent a way to relax and alleviate stress, I also believe social media and its influence on peoples’ lives should not cross a certain threshold.

We all like a good laugh. We get a good laugh from people doing funny things on purpose or people pranking other people to get a laugh. Most individuals nowadays use some sort of social medial platforms to watch content or make content. YouTube is once such platform. After Google, YouTube is the most visited website on the internet. Everyday about a billion hours of videos are watched by people all over the world. I myself, contribute to those billion hours.

Now imagine you are on YouTube, you start watching a famous youtuber’s videos, you then realize this video is not only disturbing but is also very offensive. You stop watching the video. That’s it. You think that is a horrible video and think no more of it. On the contrary, there have been videos on YouTube which have caused mass controversy all over the internet since the platforms birth in 2005. Let us now explore the dark side of YouTube.

There is an industry that centers around pranks done to members of the public which is less about humor and more about shock value. There is nothing wrong with a harmless prank, but when doing a prank, one must be considerate how their actions are perceived by others, one wrong move and you could end facing charges or a conviction.

Across the social media platform there are many creators of such prank videos. Not all of them have been well received by the public or by the fands of the creators. One such incident is where YouTube content creators, Alan and Alex Stokes who are known for their gag videos plead guilty to charges centering around fake bank robberies staged by them.

The twins wore black clothes and ski masks, carried cash filled duffle bags for a video where they pretended to have robbed a bank. They then ordered an uber who, unaware of the prank had refused to drive them. An onlooker called the police believing that the twins had robbed a bank and were attempting to carjack the vehicle. Police arrived at the scene and held the driver at gunpoint until it was revealed and determined that it was a prank. The brothers were not charged and let off with a warning. They however, pulled the same stunt at a university some four hours later and were arrested.

They were charged with one felony count of false imprisonment by violence, menace or fraud, or deceit and one misdemeanor count of falsely reporting an emergency. The charges carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison. “These were not pranks. These are crimes that could have resulted in someone getting seriously injured or even killed.” said Todd Spitzer, Orange County district attorney.

The brothers accepted a bargain from the judge. In return for a guilty plea, the felony count would be reduced a misdemeanor resulting in one year probation and 160 hours of community service and compensation. The plea was entered despite the prosecution stating that tougher charges were necessary. The judge also warned the brothers, who have over 5 million YouTube subscribers not to make such videos.

Analyzing the scenario above, I would agree with the district attorney. Making prank videos and racking up videos should not come at the cost of inciting fear and panic in the community. The situation with the police could have escalated severely which might have led to a more gruesome outcome. The twins were very lucky, however, in the next incident, the man doing a prank video in Tennessee was not.

In filming a YouTube prank video, 20 year old Timothy Wilks was shot dead in a parking lot of an Urban Air indoor trampoline park. David Starnes Jr, admitted to shooting Wilks when he and an unnamed individual approached him and a group wielding butcher knives and lunged at them. David told the police that he shot one of them in defense of himself and others.

Wilks’s friend said they were filming a video of a robbery prank for their YouTube channel. This was a supposed to be a recorded YouTube video meant to capture the terrified reactions of their prank victims. David was unaware of this prank and pulled out his gun to protect himself and others. No one has been charged yet in regard to the incident.

The above incident is an example of how pranks can go horribly wrong and result in irreparable damage. This poses the question, who do you blame, the 20 years old man staging a very dangerous prank video, or the 23-year-old who fired his gun in response to that?

Monalisa Perez, a youtuber from Minnesota fatally shot and killed her boyfriend in an attempt to film a stunt of firing a gun 30 cm away from her boyfriend, Predo Ruiz, who only had a thick book of 1.5inch to protect him. Perez pleaded guilty to second degree manslaughter and was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment.

Perez and her boyfriend Ruiz would document their everyday lives in Minnesota by posting pranks videos on YouTube to gain views. Before the fatal stunt, Perez tweeted, “Me and Pedro are probably going to shoot one of the most dangerous videos ever. His idea, not mine.”

Perez had previously experimented before and thought that the hardback Encyclopedia would be enough to stop the bullet. Perez fired a .50-calibre Desert Eagle, which is known to be an extremely powerful handgun which pierced the encyclopedia and fatally wounded Ruiz.

Perez will serve a 180-day jail term, serve 10 years of supervised probation, be banned for life from owning firearms and make no financial gain from the case. The sentence is below the minimum guidelines, but it was allowed on the ground that the stunt was mostly Ruiz’s idea.

Dangerous pranks such as the one above has left a man dead and a mother of two grieving for fatally killing her partner.

In response to the growing concerns of filming various trends and videos, YouTube have updated their policies regarding “harmful and dangerous” content and explicitly banned pranks and challenges that may cause immediate or lasting physical or emotional harm. The policies page showcases three types of videos that are now prohibited. They are: 1) Challenges that encourage acts that have an inherent risk of sever harm; 2) Pranks that make victims they are physical danger and 3) Pranks that cause emotional distress to children.

Prank videos may depict the dark side of how content crating can go wrong but they are not the only ones. In 2017, youtuber, Logan Paul became the source of controversy after posting a video of him in a Japanese forest called Aokigahara near the base of Mount Fuji. Aokigahara is a dense forest with lush trees and greenery. The forest is, however, infamous for being known as the suicide forest. It is a frequent site for suicides and is also considered haunted.

Upon entering the forest, the youtuber came across a dead body hung from a tree. The actions and depictions of Logan Paul around the body are what caused controversy and outrage. The video has since been taken down from YouTube. An apology video was posted by Logan Paul trying to defend his actions. This did nothing to quell the anger on the internet. He then came out with a second video where he could be seen tearing up on camera. In addressing the video, YouTube expressed condolences and stated that they prohibit such content which are shocking or disrespectful. Paul lost the ability to make money on his videos through advertisement which is known as demonetization. He was also removed from the Google Preferred program, where brands can sell advertisement to content creators on YouTube.

That consequences of Logan Paul’s actions did not end there. A production company is suing the youtuber on the claims that the video of him in the Aokigahara resulted in the company losing a multimillion-dollar licencing agreement with Google. The video caused Google to end its relationship with Planeless Pictures, the production company and not pay the $3.5 million. Planeless Pictures are now suing Paul claiming that he pay the amount as well as additional damage and legal fees.

That is not all. Youtube has been filled with controversies which have resulted in lawsuits.

A youtuber by the name of Kanghua Ren was fined $22300 and was also sentenced to 15 months imprisonment for filming himself giving a homeless man an oreo filled with toothpaste. He gave 20 euros and oreo cookies to a homeless which were laced with toothpaste instead of cream. The video depicts the homeless man vomiting after eating the cookie. In the video Ren stated that although he had gone a bit far, the action would help clean the homeless person’s teeth. The court, however, did not take this lightly and sentenced him. The judge stated that this was not an isolated act and that Ren had shown cruel behaviour towards vulnerable victims.

These are some of the pranks and videos that have gained online notoriety. There are many other videos which have portrayed child abuse, following a trend by eating tidepods as well as making sharing anti-Semitic videos and using racist remarks. The most disturbing thing about these videos is that they are not only viewed by adults but also children. In my opinion these videos could be construed as having some influence on young individuals.

Youtube is a diverse platform home to millions of content creators. Since its inception it has served as a mode of entertainment and means of income to many individuals. From posting cat videos online to making intricate, detailed, and well directed short films, YouTube has revolutionized the video and content creation spectrum. Being an avid viewer of many channels on YouTube, I find that incidents like these, give YouTube a bad name. Proper policies and guidelines should be enacted and imposed and if necessary government supervision may also be exercised.

Don’t Throw Out the Digital Baby with the Cyber Bathwater: The Rest of the Story

This article is in response to Is Cyberbullying the Newest Form of Police Brutality?” which discussed law enforcement’s use of social media to apprehend people. The article provided a provocative topic, as seen by the number of comments.

I believe that discussion is healthy for society; people are entitled to their feelings and to express their beliefs. Each person has their own unique life experiences that provide a basis for their beliefs and perspectives on issues. I enjoy discussing a topic with someone because I learn about their experiences and new facts that broaden my knowledge. Developing new relationships and connections is so important. Relationships and new knowledge may change perspectives or at least add to understanding each other better. So, I ask readers to join the discussion.

My perspectives were shaped in many ways. I grew up hearing Paul Harvey’s radio broadcast “The Rest of the Story.” His radio segment provided more information on a topic than the brief news headline may have provided. He did not imply that the original story was inaccurate, just that other aspects were not covered. In his memory, I will attempt to do the same by providing you with more information on law enforcement’s use of social media. 

“Is Cyberbullying the Newest Form of Police Brutality?

 The article title served its purpose by grabbing our attention. Neither cyberbullying or police brutality are acceptable. Cyberbullying is typically envisioned as teenage bullying taking place over the internet. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that “Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation”. Similarly, police brutality occurs when law enforcement (“LE”) officers use illegal and excessive force in a situation that is unreasonable, potentially resulting in a civil rights violation or a criminal prosecution.

While the article is accurate that 76% of the surveyed police departments use social media for crime-solving tips, the rest of the story is that more departments use social media for other purposes. 91% notified the public regarding safety concerns. 89% use the technology for community outreach and citizen engagement, 86% use it for public relations and reputation management. Broad restrictions should not be implemented, which would negate all the positive community interactions increasing transparency.   


In an era where the public is demanding more transparency from LE agencies across the country, how is the disclosure of the public’s information held by the government considered “Cyberbullying” or “Police Brutality”? Local, state, and federal governments are subject to Freedom of Information Act laws requiring agencies to provide information to the public on their websites or release documents within days of requests or face civil liability.

New Jersey Open Public Records

While the New Jersey Supreme Court has not decided if arrest photographs are public, the New Jersey Government Records Council (“GRC”) has decided in Melton v. City of Camden, GRC 2011-233 (2013) that arrest photographs are not public records under NJ Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”) because of Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 69 which exempts fingerprint cards, plates and photographs and similar criminal investigation records from public disclosure. It should be noted that GRC decisions are not precedential and therefore not binding on any court.

However, under OPRA, specifically 47:1A-3 Access to Records of Investigation in Progress, specific arrest information is public information and must be disclosed to the public within 24 hours of a request to include the:

  • Date, time, location, type of crime, and type of weapon,
  • Defendant’s name, age, residence, occupation, marital status, and similar background information.
  • Identity of the complaining party,
  • Text of any charges or indictment unless sealed,
  • Identity of the investigating and arresting officer and agency and the length of the investigation,
  • Time, location, and the arrest circumstances (resistance, pursuit, use of weapons),
  • Bail information.

For years, even before Melton, I believed that an arrestee’s photograph should not be released to the public. As a police chief, I refused numerous media requests for arrestee photographs protecting their rights and believing in innocence until proven guilty. Even though they have been arrested, the arrestee has not received due process in court.

New York’s Open Public Records

In New York under the Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”), Public Officers Law, Article 6, §89(2)(b)(viii) (General provisions relating to access to records; certain cases) The disclosure of LE arrest photographs would constitute an unwarranted invasion of an individual’s personal privacy unless the public release would serve a specific LE purpose and the disclosure is not prohibited by law.

California’s Open Public Records

Under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) a person has the statutory right to be provided or inspect public records, unless a record is exempt from disclosure. Arrest photographs are inclusive in arrest records along with other personal information, including the suspect’s full name, date of birth, sex, physical characteristics, occupation, time of arrest, charges, bail information, any outstanding warrants, and parole or probation holds.

Therefore under New York and California law, the blanket posting of arrest photographs is already prohibited.

Safety and Public Information

 Recently in Ams. for Prosperity Found. V. Bonta, the compelled donor disclosure case, while invalidating the law on First Amendment grounds, Justice Alito’s concurring opinion briefly addressed the parties personal safety concerns that supporters were subjected to bomb threats, protests, stalking, and physical violence. He cited Doe v Reed  which upheld disclosures containing home addresses under Washington’s Public Records Act despite the growing risks by anyone accessing the information with a computer. 

Satisfied Warrant

I am not condoning Manhattan Beach Police Department’s error of posting information on a satisfied warrant along with a photograph on their “Wanted Wednesday” in 2020. However, the disclosed information may have been public information under CPRA then and even now. On July 23, 2021, Governor Newsom signed a law amending Section 13665 of the CPRA prohibiting LE agencies from posting photographs of an arrestee accused of a non-violent crime on social media unless:

  • The suspect is a fugitive or an imminent threat, and disseminating the arrestee’s image will assist in the apprehension.
  • There is an exigent circumstance and an urgent LE interest.
  • A judge orders the release or dissemination of the suspect’s image based on a finding that the release or dissemination is in furtherance of a legitimate LE interest.

The critical error was that the posting stated the warrant was active when it was not. A civil remedy exists and was used by the party to reach a settlement for damages. Additionally, it could be argued that the agency’s actions were not the proximate cause when vigilantes caused harm.

Scope of Influence

LE’s reliance on the public’s help did not start with social media or internet websites. The article pointed out that “Wanted Wednesday” had a mostly local following of 13,600. This raised the question if there is much of a difference between the famous “Wanted Posters” from the wild west or the “Top 10 Most Wanted” posters the Federal Bureau of Investigations (“FBI”) used to distribute to Post Offices, police stations and businesses to locate fugitives. It can be argued that this exposure was strictly localized. However, the weekly TV show America’s Most Wanted, made famous by John Walsh, aired from 1988 to 2013, highlighting fugitive cases nationally. The show claims it helped capture over 1000 criminals through their tip-line. However, national media publicity can be counter-productive by generating so many false leads that obscure credible leads.

The FBI website contains pages for Wanted People, Missing People, and Seeking Information on crimes. “CAPTURED” labels are added to photographs showing the results of the agency’s efforts. Local LE agencies should follow FBI practices. I would agree with the article that social media and websites should be updated; however, I don’t agree that the information must be removed because it is available elsewhere on the internet.


Vernon Gebeth, the leading police homicide investigation instructor, believes time is an investigator’s worst enemy.  Eighty-five percent of abducted children are killed within the first five hours. Almost all are killed within the first twenty-four hours. Time is also critical because, for each hour that passed, the distance a suspect’s vehicle can travel expands by seventy-five miles in either direction. In five hours, the area can become larger than 17,000 square miles. Like Amber Alerts, social media can be used to quickly transmit information to people across the country in time-sensitive cases.

Live-Streaming Drunk Driving Leads to an Arrest

When Whitney Beall, a Florida woman, used a live streaming app to show her drinking at a bar then getting into her vehicle. The public dialed 911, and a tech-savvy officer opened the app, determined her location, and pulled her over. She was arrested after failing a DWI sobriety test.  After pleading guilty to driving under the influence, she was sentenced to 10 days of weekend work release, 150 hours of community service, probation, and a license suspension. In 2019 10,142 lives were lost to alcohol impaired driving crashes.

Family Advocating

Social media is not limited to LE. It also provides a platform for victim’s families to keep attention on their cases. The father of a seventeen-year-old created a series of Facebook Live videos about a 2011 murder resulting in the arrest of Charles Garron. He was to a fifty-year prison term.

Instagram Selfies with Drugs, Money and Stolen Guns 

Police in Palm Beach County charged a nineteen-year-old man with 142 felony charges, including possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, while investigating burglaries and jewel thefts in senior citizen communities. An officer found his Instagram account with incriminating photographs. A search warrant was executed, seizing stolen firearms and $250,000 in stolen property from over forty burglaries.

Bank Robbery Selfies

Police received a tip and located a social media posting by John E. Mogan II of himself with wads of cash in 2015. He was charged with robbing an Ashville, Ohio bank. He pled guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison. According to news reports, Morgan previously  served prison time for another bank robbery.

Food Post Becomes the Smoking Gun

LE used Instagram to identify an ID thief who posted photographs of his dinner at a high-end steakhouse with a confidential informant (“CI”).  The man who claimed he had 700,000 stolen identities and provided the CI a flash drive of stolen identities. The agents linked the flash drive to a “Troy Maye,” who the CI identified from Maye’s profile photograph. Authorities executed a search warrant on his residence and located flash drives containing the personal identifying information of thousands of ID theft victims. Nathaniel Troy Maye, a 44-year-old New York resident, was sentenced to sixty-six months in federal prison after pleading guilty to aggravated identity theft.


Wanted Man Turns Himself in After Facebook Challenge With Donuts

A person started trolling Redford Township Police during a Facebook Live community update. It was determined that he was a 21-year-old wanted for a probation violation for leaving the scene of a DWI collision. When asked to turn himself in, he challenged the PD to get 1000 shares and he would bring in donuts. The PD took the challenge. It went viral and within an hour reached that mark acquiring over 4000 shares. He kept his word and appeared with a dozen donuts. He faced 39 days in jail and had other outstanding warrants.

The examples in this article were readily available on the internet and on multiple news websites, along with photographs.

Under state Freedom of Information Laws, the public has a statutory right to know what enforcement actions LE is taking. Likewise, the media exercises their First Amendment rights to information daily across the country when publishing news. Cyber journalists are entitled to the same information when publishing news on the internet and social media. Traditional news organizations have adapted to online news to keep a share of the news market. LE agencies now live stream agency press conferences to communicating directly with the communities they serve.

Therefore the positive use of social media by LE should not be thrown out like bathwater when legal remedies exist when damages are caused.

“And now you know…the rest of the story.”

Free speech, should it be so free?

In the United States everybody is entitled to free speech; however, we must not forget that the First Amendment of the Constitution only protects individuals from federal and state actions. With that being said, free speech is not protected from censorship by private entities, like social media platforms. In addition, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) provides technology companies like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram as well as other social media giants, immunity from liabilities arising from the content posted on their websites. The question becomes whether it is fair for an individual who desires to freely express himself or herself to be banned from certain social media websites by doing so? What is the public policy behind this? What are the standards employed by these social media companies when determining who should or should not be banned? On the other hand, are social media platforms being used as tools or weapons when it comes to politics? Do they play a role in how the public vote? Are the users truly seeing what they think they have chosen to see or are the contents being displayed targeted to the users and may ultimately create biases?

As we have seen earlier this year, former President Trump was banned from several social media platforms as a result of the January 6, 2021 assault at the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters. It is no secret that our former president is not shy about his comments on a variety of topics. Some audiences view him as outspoken, direct, or perhaps provocative. When Twitter announced its permanent suspension of former President Trump’s account, its rationale was to prevent further incitement of violence. By falsely claiming that the 2020 election had been stolen from him, thousands of Trump supporters gathered in Washington, D.C. on January 5 and January 6 which ultimately led to violence and chaos. As a public figure and a politician, our former president should have known that his actions or viewpoints on social media are likely to trigger a significant impact on the public. Public figures and politicians should be held to a higher standard as they represent citizens who voted for them. As such, they are influential. Technology companies like Twitter saw the former president’s tweets as potential threats to the public as well as a violation of their company policies; hence, it was justified to ban his account. The ban was an instance of private action as opposed to government action. In other words, former President Trump’s First Amendment rights were not violated.

Spare Me Your Outrage, Your Shock. This Is America | Cognoscenti

First, let us discuss the fairness aspect of censorship. Yes, individuals possess rights to free speech; however, if the public’s safety is at stake, actions are required to avoid chaos. For example, you cannot scream “fire”  out of nowhere in a dark movie theater as it would cause panic and unnecessary disorder. There are rules you must comply with in order to use the facility and these rules are in place to protect the general welfare. As a user, if you don’t like the rules set forth by that facility, you can simply avoid using it. It does not necessarily mean that your idea or speech is strictly prohibited, just not on that particular facility. Similar to social media platforms, if users fail to follow their company policies, the companies reserve the right to ban them. Public policy probably outweighs individual freedom. As for the standards employed by these technology companies, there is no bright line. As I previously mentioned, Section 230 grants them immunity from liabilities. That being said, the contents are unregulated and therefore, these social media giants are free to implement and execute policies as they seem appropriate.

The Dangers of Social Networking - TurboFuture

In terms of politics, I believe social media platforms do play a role in shaping their users’ perspectives in some way. This is because the contents that are being displayed are targeted, if not tailored, as they collect data based on the user’s preferences and past habits. The activities each user engages in are being monitored, measured, and analyzed. In a sense, these platforms are being used as a weapon as they may manipulate users without the users even knowing. A lot of times we are not even aware that the videos or pictures that we see online are being presented to us because of past contents we had seen or selected. In other words, these social media companies may be censoring what they don’t want you to see or what they may think you don’t want to see.  For example, some technology companies are pro-vaccination. They are more likely to post information about facts about COVID-19 vaccines or perhaps publish posts that encourage their users to get vaccinated.  We think we have control over what we see or watch, but do we really?

How to Avoid Misinformation About COVID-19 | Science | Smithsonian Magazine

There are advantages and disadvantages to censorship. Censorship can reduce the negative impact of hate speech, especially on the internet. By limiting certain speeches, we create more opportunities for equality. In addition, censorship prevents the spread of racism. For example, posts and videos of racial comments could be blocked by social media companies if deemed necessary. Censorship can also protect minors from seeing harmful content. Because children can be manipulated easily, it helps promote safety.  Moreover, censorship can be a vehicle to stop false information. During unprecedented times like this pandemic, misinformation can be fatal. On the other hand, censorship may not be good for the public as it creates a specific narrative in society. This can potentially cause biases. For example, many blamed Facebook for the outcome of an election as it’s detrimental to our democracy.

Overall, I believe that some sort of social media censorship is necessary. The cyber-world is interrelated to the real world. We can’t let people do or say whatever they want as it may have dramatic detrimental effects. The issue is how do you keep the best of both worlds?


How Defamation and Minor Protection Laws Ultimately Shaped the Internet

Kyiv, Ukraine – September 5, 2019: A paper cubes collection with printed logos of world-famous social networks and online messengers, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram and others.

The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was originally enacted with the intention of shielding minors from indecent and obscene online material. Despite its origins, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is now commonly used as a broad legal safeguard for social media platforms to shield themselves from legal liability for content posted on their sites by third parties. Interestingly, the reasoning behind this safeguard arises both from defamation common law, and constitutional free speech laws. As the internet has grown, however, this legal safeguard has gained increasing criticism. However, is this legislation actually undesirable? Many would disagree as section 230 contains “the 26 words that created the internet.”


Origin of the Communications Decency Act

The CDA was introduced and enacted as an attempt to shield minors from obscene or indecent content online. Although parts of the Act were later struck down for first amendment free speech violations, the Court left section 230 intact. The creation of section 230 was influenced by two landmark court decisions of defamation lawsuits.

The first case was in 1991, and involved an Internet site that hosted around 150 online forums. A claim was brought against the internet provider when a columnist of one of the online forums posted a defamatory comment about his competitor. The competitor sued the online distributor for the published defamation. The courts categorized the internet service provider as a distributor because they did not review any content of the forums before the content was posted to the site. As a distributor, there was no legal liability, and the case was dismissed.


Distributor Liability

Distributor Liability refers to the limited legal consequences that a distributor is exposed to for defamation. A common example of a distributor, is a bookstore or library. The theory behind distributor liability is that it would be impossible for distributors to moderate and censor every piece of content that they disperse because of the sheer volume, and the impossibility of knowing whether something is false or not.

The second case that influenced the creation of section 230, was Stratton Oakmont, Inc. v. Prodigy Servs. Co., in which the court used publisher liability theory to find the internet provider liable for the third party defamatory postings published on its site.  The court deemed the website a publisher because they moderated and deleted certain posts, regardless of the fact that there were far too many postings a day to regulate each one.


Publisher Liability

Under common law principles, a person who publishes a third-party’s defamatory statement bears the same legal responsibility as the creator of that statement. This liability is often referred to as “publisher liability,” and is based in theory that a publisher has the knowledge, opportunity, and ability to exercise control over the publication. For example, a newspaper publisher could face legal consequences for the content located within it. The court’s decision was significant because it meant that if a website attempted to moderate certain posts, it would be held liable for all posts.


Section 230’s Creation

In response to the Stratton-Oakmond case, and the ambiguous court decisions regarding internet services provider’s liability, members of Congress introduced an amendment to the CDA that later became Section 230. The Amendment was specifically introduced and passed with the goal of encouraging the development of unregulated, free speech online by relieving internet providers from any liability for their content.


Text of the Act- Subsection (c)(1) 

“No Provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”

 Section 230 further provides that…

“No cause of action may be brought and no liability may be imposed under any State or local law that is inconsistent with this section.”

 The language above removes legal consequences arising from content posted on their forum. Courts have interpreted this subsection as providing broad immunity to online platforms from suits over content of third parties. Because of this, section 230 has become the principal legal safeguard from lawsuits over sites content.


The Good

  •  Section 230 can be viewed as being one of the most important pieces of legislation that protects free speech online. One of the unique aspects of this legislation is that it essentially extends free speech protection, applying it to private, non-governmental companies.
  • Without CDA 230, the internet would be a very different place. This section influenced some of the internet’s most distinctive characteristics. The internet promotes free speech and offers the ability for worldwide connectivity.
  • The CDA 230 does not fully eliminate liability or court remedies for victims of online defamation. Rather, it makes only the creator themselves liable for their speech, instead of the speaker and the publisher.



The Bad

  •  Because of the legal protections section 230 provides, social media networks have less of an incentive to regulate false or deceptive posts. Deceptive online posts can have an enormous impact on society. False posts have the ability to alter election results, or lead to dangerous misinformation campaigns, like the QAnon conspiracy theory, and the anti-vaccination movement.
  • Section 230 is twenty-five years old, and has not been updated to match the internet’s extensive growth.
  • Big Tech companies have been left largely unregulated regarding their online marketplaces.


 The Future of 230

While section 230 is still successfully used by social media platforms, concerns over the archaic legislation have mounted. Just recently, Justice Thomas, who is infamous for being a quiet Justice, wrote a concurring opinion articulating his view that the government should regulate content providers as common carriers, like utilities companies. What implications could that have on the internet? With the growing level of criticism surrounding section 230, will Congress will finally attempt to fix this legislation? If not, will the Supreme Court be left to tackle the problem themselves?