Taking a Break From Facebook

A recent survey by the Pew Research  Center  found that 61 percent of current Facebook users admitted to taking voluntary breaks from the site.  Reasons for a hiatus from the most popular social network in America include: a decrease in interest in the site; not having enough time to dedicate to updating and polishing their profiles; and the general idea that Facebook is simply a waste of time.  In addition, 4 percent of the surveyors cited that privacy and security concerns contributed to their departure.  Privacy concerns related to social media remain an evolving area of law, and it will be interesting to see if more Facebook users begin to delete their accounts due to this concern.  It should be noted that of those 4 percent, “those users eventually resumed their regular activity, another 20 percent of Facebook users admitted to deleting their accounts.”  To read more, go to the link below:


2 thoughts on “Taking a Break From Facebook”

  1. You point out an interesting study, particularly as it relates to the privacy laws beginning to emerge in several states. But if only 4 percent of those leaving Facebook are doing so for privacy concerns, is the legislation necessary?

  2. I dont know that legislation is necessary just yet, but I think it will be needed in the near future. I think it is more important to raise awareness of the privacy concerns and just how widespread information on social media sites span. For example, when hiring new employees, many employers search these social media sites to see what the prospective employee may have posted. If more people are aware of these practices, they may be more wary to post things and information that they would be particularly worried about regarding their privacy. I found it interesting, however, that the study stated that only about 4 percent of users departed from Facebook due to privacy concerns, but those users eventually resumed their daily activity. This makes it seem that even if people are worried about their privacy and what is being posted, that is not enough to keep them away from Facebook forever. Perhaps legislation would help protect these “Facebook addicts,” as they may be their own worst enemy; they know there are privacy concerns because they cited that for the reason they initially left, but they are so involved with Facebook use that they can’t quit it forever. Since they aren’t quitting Facebook forever, legislation may protect those privacy issues they were initially concerned about while still allowing them to use the social media site.

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