Research for Paper Topics

Hello all, as I was attempting to find some research for my own topic involving social media and matrimonial law I cam across this article titled, “INVASION CONTRACTS: THE PRIVACY IMPLICATIONS OF TERMS OF USE AGREEMENTS IN THE ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA SETTING” cited as Jared S. Livingston, Invasion Contracts: The Privacy Implications of Terms of Use Agreements in the Online Social Media Setting, 21 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 591 (2011). Although this is not related to my own topic, I do know that someone in class was talking about this being a part of this topic so I figured I would post it for all who may be interested or writing about user agreements and you can find the article on Westlaw or Lexus. Hope you are all having a great monday!

Help for Topics and Research

Hello all:

As I was figuring out what I wanted my own topic to be I came across these two websites that I wanted to share. First I would check out this website, it has helpful tabs, one of them being hot topics in social media if you are really coming up short on a topic idea. That site can be found here.

Then I would check out this website, It is a list of 320 cases from the first half of 2012 where social media evidence was used in a major way for the case (includes cases of de minimis reference to employee termination to child custody, to identifying assailants). Too bad it wasn’t updated to include all of 2012, but still, with over 300 cases to reference there should be some current cases on any topic you may choose.

Hope these are helpful for everyone in their journey to writing a pristine paper on social media!!!

Law Enforcement Using Social Media

As I was browsing I found this Blog site called “The Social Media Beat” which is supported by the IACP Center for Social Media. This blog is all about how law enforcement is using technology and social media to their benefit. There are posts about Twitter, Skype, and YouTube. One author even mentions that from his point of view as a police officer, it is his duty to listen and respond to the community, and the community utilizes social media and so must he.

Everything on the site is really interesting and covers a range of posts, even one about reflecting on 2012 and looking forward to 2013 which was full of interesting statistics. I have just never thought about law enforcement and social media before and thought this would be a good blog URL to pass along. You can find it at