Private or not private, that is the question.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), protects private online companies from liability for content posted by others. This immunity also grants internet service providers the freedom to regulate what is posted onto their sites. What has faced much criticism of late however, is social media’s immense power to silence any voices the platform CEOs disagree with.

Section 230(c)(2), known as the Good Samaritan clause, states that no provider shall be held liable for “any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected.”

When considered in the context of a ‘1996’ understanding of internet influence (the year the CDA was created) this law might seem perfectly reasonable. Fast forward 25 years though, with how massively influential social media has become on society and the spread of political information, there has developed a strong demand for a repeal, or at the very least, a review of Section 230.

The Good Samaritan clause is what shields Big Tech from legal complaint. The law does not define obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, harassing or excessively violent. And “otherwise objectionable” leaves the internet service providers’ room for discretion all the more open-ended. The issue at the heart of many critics of Big Tech, is that the censorship companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (owned by Google) impose on particular users is not fairly exercised, and many conservatives feel they do not receive equal treatment of their policies.

Ultimately, there is little argument around the fact that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are private companies, therefore curbing any claims of First Amendment violations under the law. The First Amendment of the US Constitution only prevents the government from interfering with an individual’s right to free speech. There is no constitutional provision that dictates any private business owes the same.

Former President Trump’s recent class action lawsuits however, against Facebook, Twitter, Google, and each of their CEOs, challenges the characterization of these entities as being private.

In response to the January 6th  Capitol takeover by Trump supporters, Facebook and Twitter suspended the accounts of the then sitting president of the United States – President Trump.

The justification was that President Trump violated their rules by inciting violence and encouraged an insurrection following the disputed election results of 2020. In the midst of the unrest, Twitter, Facebook and Google also removed a video posted by Trump, in which he called for peace and urged protestors to go home. The explanation given was that “on balance we believe it contributes to, rather than diminishes the risk of ongoing violence” because the video also doubled down on the belief that the election was stolen.

Following long-standing contentions with Big Tech throughout his presidency, the main argument in the lawsuit is that the tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google, should no longer be considered private companies because their respective CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and Sundar Pichai, actively coordinate with the government to censor politically oppositional posts.

For those who support Trump, probably all wish to believe this case has a legal standing.

For anyone else who share concerns about the almost omnipotent power of Silicon Valley, many may admit that Trump makes a valid point. But legally, deep down, it might feel like a stretch. Could it be? Should it be? Maybe. But will Trump see the outcome he is looking for? The initial honest answer was “probably not.”

However, on July 15th 2021, White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, informed the public that the Biden administration is in regular contact with Facebook to flag “problematic posts” regarding the “disinformation” of Covid-19 vaccinations.

Wait….what?!? The White House is in communication with social media platforms to determine what the public is and isn’t allowed to hear regarding vaccine information? Or “disinformation” as Psaki called it.

Conservative legal heads went into a spin. Is this allowed? Or does this strengthen Trump’s claim that social media platforms are working as third-party state actors?

If it is determined that social media is in fact acting as a strong-arm agent for the government, regarding what information the public is allowed to access, then they too should be subject to the First Amendment. And if social media is subject to the First Amendment, then all information, including information that questions, or even completely disagrees with the left-lean policies of the current White House administration, is protected by the US Constitution.

Referring back to the language of the law, Section 230(c)(2) requires actions to restrict access to information be made in good faith. Taking an objective look at some of the posts that are removed from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, along with many of the posts that are not removed, it begs the question of how much “good faith” is truly exercised. When a former president of the United States is still blocked from social media, but the Iranian leader Ali Khamenei is allowed to post what appears nothing short of a threat to that same president’s life, it can certainly make you wonder. Or when illogical insistence for unquestioned mass emergency vaccinations, now with continued mask wearing is rammed down our throats, but a video showing one of the creators of the mRNA vaccine expressing his doubts regarding the safety of the vaccine for the young is removed from YouTube, it ought to have everyone question whose side is Big Tech really on? Are they really in the business of allowing populations to make informed decisions of their own, gaining information from a public forum of ideas? Or are they working on behalf of government actors to push an agenda?

One way or another, the courts will decide, but Trump’s class action lawsuit could be a pivotal moment in the future of Big Tech world power.

A Slap in the Face(book)?

Social media law has become somewhat of a contentious issue in recent years. While most people nowadays could not imagine life without it, many realize too, that it’s influence on our daily lives may not be a great thing. As the technology has advanced to unimaginable levels and the platforms have boomed in popularity, it seems as though our smart phones and Big Tech know our every move. The leading social media platform, Facebook, has around 1.82 billion active users a day, with people volunteering all sorts of personal information to be stored in the internet database. Individual profiles hold pictures of our children, our friends, our family, meals we eat, locations we visit. “What’s on your mind?” is the opening invite to any Facebook page, and one can only hazard a guess as to how many people actually answer that question on a daily basis.  Social media sites know our likes, our dislikes, our preferences, our moods, the shoes we want to buy for that dress we are thinking of wearing to the party we are looking forward to in three weeks!

With all that knowledge, comes enormous power, and through algorithmic design, social media can manipulate our thoughts and beliefs by controlling what we see and don’t see. With all that power, therefore, should come responsibility, but Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) has created a stark disconnect between the two. What started out as a worthy protection for internet service providers for the content posted by others, has more recently drawn criticism for the lack of accountability held by social media oligarchs such as Jack Dorsey (Twitter) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook).

However, that could all be about to change.

On May 28, 2017, three friends lost their lives in a deadly car accident in which the 17-year-old driver, Jason Davis, crashed into a tree at an estimated speed of 113 mph. Landen Brown, 20, and Hunter Morby, 17, were passengers. Tragic accident? Or wrongful death?

Parents of the deceased lay blame on the Snapchat App, which offered a ‘Speed Filter’ that would clock how fast you were moving, and allowed users to snap and share videos of their movements in progress.

You see where this is going.

As quickly became the trend, the three youths used the app to see how fast they could record the speed of their car. Just moments before their deaths, Davis had posted a ‘snap’ clocking the car’s speed at 123 mph. In Lemmon v Snap, the parents of two of the boys brought suit against the social media provider, Snap, Inc., claiming that the app feature encouraged reckless driving and ultimately served to “entice” the young users to their death.

Until now, social media platforms and other internet service providers have enjoyed the protection of near absolute immunity from liability. Written in 1996, Section 230 was designed to protect tech companies from liability, for suits such as defamation, for third party posts. In the early days, it was small tech companies, or an online business with a ‘comments’ feature that generally saw the benefits of the Code. 25 years later, many people are questioning the role of Section 230 within the vastly developing era of social media and the powerful pass it grants Big Tech in many of its societal shortcomings.

Regarded more as an open forum than the publisher or speaker, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat, have been shielded by Section 230 from any legal claims of harm caused by the content posted on their sites.

Applied broadly, it is argued that Section 230 prevents Snap, Inc. from being held legally responsible for the deaths of the three boys in this case, which is the defense the tech company relied upon. The district court dismissed the case on those grounds, holding that the captured speeds fall into the category of content published by a third party, for which the service provider cannot be held liable. The Ninth Circuit however, disagrees. The Court’s interesting swerve of such immunity, is that the speed filter resulted in the deaths of the boys regardless of whether or not their captured speeds were posted. In other words, it did not matter if the vehicle’s speed was shared with others in the app; the fact that the app promotes, and rewards, high speed (although the award system within the app is not entirely clear), is enough.

The implications of this could be tremendous. At a time when debate over 230 reevaluations is already heavy, this precedential interpretation of Section 230 could lead to some cleverly formulated legal arguments for holding internet service providers accountable for some of the highly damaging effects of internet, social media and smart phone usage.

For the many benefits the internet has to offer, it can no longer be denied that there is another, very ugly side to internet usage, in particular with social media.

It is somewhat of an open secret that social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, purposely design their apps to be addictive by its users. It is also no secret that there is a growing association between social media usage and suicides, depression and other mental health issues. Cyber bullying has long been a very real problem. In addition, studies have shown that smart device screen time in very young children has shockingly detrimental impacts on a child’s social and emotional developments,  not to mention the now commonly known damage it can have on a person’s eyesight.

An increased rate of divorces has been linked to smart phones, and distracted driving – whether it be texting or keeping tabs on your Twitter retweets, or Facebook ‘likes’– is on the increase. Even an increase in accidents while walking has been linked to distractions caused by the addictive smart devices.

With the idea of accountability being the underlying issue, it can of course be stated that almost all of these problems should be a matter of personal responsibility. Growing apart from your spouse? Ditch your cell phone and reinvent date night. Feeling depressed about your life as you ‘heart’ a picture of your colleague’s wine glass in front of a perfect sunset beach backdrop? Close your laptop and stop comparing yourself to everyone else’s highlights. Step in front of a cyclist while LOL’ing in a group text? Seriously….put your Apple Watch hand in your pocket and look where you are going! The list of personal-blame is endless. But then we hear about three young friends, two still in their teens, who lose their lives engaged with social media, and suddenly it’s not so easy to blame them for their own devastating misfortune.

While social media sites cannot be held responsible for the content posted by others, no matter how hurtful it might be to some, or no matter what actions it leads others to take, should they be held responsible for negligently making their sites so addictive, so emotionally manipulative and so targeted towards individual users, that such extensive and compulsive use leads to dire consequences? According to the Ninth Circuit, negligent app design can in fact be a cause of action for wrongful death.

With a potential crack in the 230-armor, the questions many lawyers will be scrambling to ask are:

      • What duties do the smart device producers and/or internet service providers owe to their users?
      • Are these duties breached by continuing to design, produce, and provide products that are now known to create such disturbing problems?
      • What injuries have occurred and where those injuries foreseeably caused by any such breaches of duty?

For the time being, it is unlikely that any substantial milestone will be reached with regards to Big Tech accountability, but the Ninth Circuit decision in this case has certainly delivered a powerful blow to the Big Tech apparent untouchability in the courtroom.

As awareness of all these social media related issues grow, could this court decision open the door to further suits of defective or negligent product design resulting in death or injury? Time will tell…..stay tuned.

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